Area Codes in California - Below are all the area codes in California. Clicking on an area code will show the cities in that area code.
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Acampo, Airport, Amador City, Angels, Arnold, Atwater, August, Avery, Ballico, Bear Creek, Bear Valley, Bootjack, Bret Harte, Buck Meadows, Buckhorn, Buena Vista, Bystrom, Camanche North Shore, Camanche Village, Catheys Valley, Cedar Ridge, Ceres, Chinese Camp, Clay, Cold Springs, Collierville, Columbia, Copperopolis, Coultervillle, Country Club, Cowan, Cressey, Crows Landing, Del Rio, Delhi, Denair, Diablo Grande, Dogtown, Dorrington, Dos Palos, Dos Palos Y, Drytown, East Oakdale, East Sonora, El Nido, El Portal, Empire, Escalon, Farmington, Fiddletown, Fish Camp, Forest Meadows, Franklin, French Camp, Galt, Garden Acres, Grayson, Greeley Hill, Groveland, Gustine, Herald, Hickman, Hilmar-Irwin, Hornitos, Hughson, Ione, Jackson, Jamestown, Kennedy, Keyes, Kirkwood, Lake Don Pedro, Lathrop, Le Grand, Lincoln Village, Linden, Livingston, Lockeford, Lodi, Long Barn, Los Banos, Manteca, Mariposa, Martell, McSwain, Merced, Mi-Wuk Village, Midpines, Modesto, Mokelumne Hill, Mono Vista, Monterey Park Tract, Morada, Mountain House, Mountain Ranch, Murphys, Newman, Oakdale, Parklawn, Patterson, Peters, Phoenix Lake, Pine Grove, Pine Mountain Lake, Pioneer, Planada, Plymouth, Rail Road Flat, Rancho Calaveras, Red Corral, Ripon, River Pines, Riverbank, Riverdale Park, Rouse, Salida, San Andreas, Santa Nella, Shackelford, Sierra Village, Snelling, Sonora, Soulsbyville, South Dos Palos, Stevinson, Stockton, Strawberry, Sutter Creek, Taft Mosswood, Terminous, Thornton, Tracy, Tuolumne City, Turlock, Tuttle, Tuttletown, Twain Harte, Twain Harte, Vallecito, Valley Home, Valley Springs, Victor, Volcano, Volta, Wallace, Waterford, Waterloo, Wawona, West Modesto, West Point, Westley, Winton, Woodbridge, Yosemite Valley
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