Famous People Born in Minnesota
See our top list of the most famous people from Minnesota. We’ve chosen people like athletes, actors, civil rights activists, scientists and people from other walks of life that have come from the “The North Star State”.
LaVerne, Maxene, and Patti Andrews singers, Minneapolis
Warren E. Burger jurist, Saint Paul
William Demarest actor, Saint Paul
William Orville Douglas jurist, Maine
Bob Dylan singer, composer, Duluth
Francis Scott Fitzgerald author, Saint Paul
James Earle Fraser sculptor, Winona
Judy Garland singer, actress, Grand Rapids
Jean Paul Getty oil executive, Minneapolis
Duane Hanson sculptor, Alexandria
Garrison Keillor humorist, Anoka
Jessica Lange actress, Cloquet
Sinclair Lewis author, Sauk Center
Edward Lowe inventor, Saint Paul
Cornell MacNeil baritone, Minneapolis
John Madden sportscaster, Austin
Roger Maris baseball player, Hibbing
E. G. Marshall actor, Owatonna
Charles Horace Mayo surgeon, Rochester
William J. Mayo surgeon, Le Sueur
Eugene J. McCarthy senator, Watkins
Kate Millett feminist, Saint Paul
Walter F. Mondale Vice President, Celyon
Prince Rogers Nelson singer, Minneapolis
Lauris Norstad commander of NATO forces, Minneapolis
Westbrook Pegler columnist, Minneapolis
Jane Russell actress, Bemidji
Winona Ryder actress, Winona
Harrison E. Salisbury journalist, Minneapolis
Charles Monroe Schulz cartoonist, Minneapolis
Kevin Sorbo actor, Mound
Maurice H. Stans secretary of commerce, Shakopee
Harold Edward Stassen government official, Saint Paul
Michael Todd producer, Minneapolis
Jesse Ventura politician, entertainer, Minneapolis