Famous People Born in North Dakota
See our top list of the most famous people from North Dakota. We’ve chosen people like athletes, actors, civil rights activists, scientists and people from other walks of life that have come from the “The Peace Garden State”.
Dr. Robert H. Bahmer U.S. archivist
Elizabeth Bodine humanitarian
Dr. Anne Carlsen educator
Ronald N. Davies jurist
Angie Dickinson actress, Kulm
Ivan Dmitre artist
John Bernard Flannagan sculptor, Fargo
Phyllis Frelich actress, Devils Lake
William H. Gass writer and philosopher, Fargo
Rev. Richard C. Halverson U.S. Senate chaplain
Phil D. Jackson basketball player, coach
Dr. Leon O. Jacobson researcher, educator, Sims
Harold K. Johnson army general
Louis L’Amour author, Jamestown
Peggy Lee singer, Jamestown
William Lemke representative
Marquis de Mores cattleman
Casper Oimoen skier
Arthur Peterson radio and TV actor
Cliff Fido Purpur hockey player, coach
James Rosenquist painter, Grand Forks
Eric Sevareid TV commentator, Velva
Ann Sothern actress, Valley City
Dorothy Stickney actress Dickinson
Edward K. Thompson editor
Era Bell Thompson editor
Tommy Tucker band leader, Souris
Lawrence Welk band leader, entertainer, Strasburg
Larry Woiwode writer