Famous New Hampshirites

Famous People Born in New Hampshire

See our top list of the most famous people from New Hampshire. We’ve chosen people like athletes, actors, civil rights activists, scientists and people from other walks of life that have come from the “The Granite State” state.

Salmon Portland Chase jurist, Cornish
Ralph Addams Cram architect, Hampton Falls
Charles Anderson Dana editor, Hinsdale
Mary Morse Baker Eddy founder, religious leader, Bow
William Pitt Fessenden politician, Boscawer
Sam Walter Foss journalist, poet
Daniel Chester French sculptor, Exeter
Horace Greeley journalist, politician, Amherst
Sarah Josepha Hale editor, Newport
John Irving writer, Exeter
Benjamin F. Keith theater entrepreneur, Hillsboro
John Langdon political leader, Portsmouth
Franklin Pierce U.S. president, Hillsboro
Alan Shepard astronaut, East Derry
Harlan F. Stone jurist, Chesterfield
Daniel Webster statesman, Salisbury
Joseph Worcester Lexicographer, Bedford