Famous Wyomingites

Famous People Born in Wyoming

See our top list of the most famous people from Wyoming. We’ve chosen people like athletes, actors, civil rights activists, scientists and people from other walks of life that have come from “The Equality or Cowboy State”.

James Bridger trapper, guide and storyteller
John Colter trader
June Etta Downey educator
Thomas Fitzpatrick mountain man and guide
Curt Gowdy sportscaster, Green River
Tom Horn detective
Isabel Jewell actress
Velma Linford writer
Ted Olson writer
John “Portugee” Phillips frontiersman
Jackson Pollock painter, Cody
Alan K. Simpson senator
Alan Swallow publisher and author
Francis E. Warren first state governor
Chief Washakie chief of the Shoshone
James G. Watt former secretary of the Interior