50 States.com Disclaimer


50states.com provides links to sites provided by others as resources for your convenience and does not warrant, nor assume any legal liability nor responsiblity, for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of any of the information supplied.

Disclaimer: Official State Songs

This collection of text and MIDI files were gathered from various web sites on the Internet. All files are believed to be in the public domain. The respective rights of the original compositions belong to the appropriate parties and are noted as discovered. If there is any file which does not seem to fit the above description, please contact us.

Disclaimer: Fast Facts and Trivia

This collection of facts and trivia were gathered from submissions by viewers. They are provided as entertainment. All files are believed to be in the public domain. The respective rights of the original compositions belong to the appropriate parties and are noted as discovered. If there is any file which does not seem to fit the above description, please contact us.