Oklahoma State Flag
The state flag of Oklahoma was originally adopted on April 2, 1925. The flag has only been updated once since 1925 when the word “Oklahoma” was added.
The flag was designed by Louise Funk Fluke, “the Betsy Ross of Oklahoma”, who won a contest with the design. She had consulted with the head of the Oklahoma historical society on Native American Artifacts to include in the flag’s design.
The Oklahoma state flag honors more than 60 groups of Native Americans and their ancestors. The blue field comes from a flag carried by Choctaw soldiers during the civil war. The center shield is the battle shield of an Osage warrior. It is made of buffalo hide and decorated with eagle feathers.
Two symbols of peace lie across the shield. One is the calumet, or peace pipe. The other is an olive branch. Crosses on the shield are Native American signs for stars, representing high ideals.
Oklahoma State Flag Pledge
“I salute the flag of the State of Oklahoma. Its symbols of peace unite all people.”