State Flowers
There are 50 US official state flowers that have been designated by the state’s local government. They are chosen to represent the state for a variety of reasons. Some flowers were chosen because they grow domestically all over the state or some are chosen for their historical reference.
Click on the state flower below to learn the details about each flower. Even find out which state has designated a pine cone as its official flower!
Alpine Forget Me Not
Myosotis alpestris
Saguaro Cactus Blossom
Carnegiea gigantea
Apple Blossom
Pyrus coronaria
California Poppy
Eschscholtzia californica
Rocky Mountain Columbine
Aquilegia caerules
Mountain Laurel
Kalmia latifolia
Peach Blossom
Prunus persica
Orange Blossom
Citrus sinensis
Cherokee Rose
Rosa laevigata
Pua Aloalo
Hibiscus brackenridgei
Philadelphus lewisii
Wild Prairie Rose
Rosa pratincola
Wild Native Sunflower
Helianthus annuus
Solidago gigantea
Magnolia grandiflora
White pine cone and tassel
Pinus strobus, linnaeus
Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta
Trailing-Arbutus (Mayflower)
Epigaea repens
Apple Blossom
Pyrus coronaria
Pink and white lady slipper
Cypripedium reginae
Magnolia grandiflora
White Hawthorn Blossom
Lewisia rediviva
Soldiago gigantea
Artemisia tridentata
Purple lilac
Syringa vulgaris
American Dogwood
Cornus florida
Wild Prairie Rose
Rosa arkansana
Scarlet Carnation
Dianthus caryophyllus
Oklahoma Rose
Rosa odorata
Oregon Grape
Berberis aquifolium
Mountain Laurel
Kalmia latiflolia
Common Blue Violet
Viola sororia
Yellow Jessamine
Gelsemium sempervirens
Americana Pasque
Pulsatilla hirsutissima
Sego lily
Calochortus gunnisonii
Red Clover
Trifolium pratense
American Dogwood
Cornus florida
Coast Rhododendron
Rhododendron macrophyllum
Rhododendron maximum
Wood Violet
Viola papilionacea
Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja linariaefolia