Arizona State Tree

Arizona State Tree

Yellow Palo Verde 

Fabaceae Parkinsonia (Cercidium) Arizona Yellow Palo Verde Tree



Alternate, bipinnately compound, with only 2 major leaflets making it
appear as a pair of pinnately compound leaves, each about ½ inch long, green and short lived.


Loose clusters of bright yellow flowers with 5 lobes, entire flower
½ inch across, appearing in spring and early summer.


Two to 4 inch cylindrical legume swollen at seeds, sharply pointed at
ends, light brown, matures in the summer, persist on the tree.


Slender to moderately stout, yellow-green, smooth, each short twig ending
in a sharp point.


Initially smooth and yellow-green, later turning light brown and a bit


Large shrub or small tree (up to 25 feet tall) with a crocked trunk and
a wide spreading crown with many fine branches, leafless for much of the year.

Copyright 2019 Virginia Tech Dept. of Forest Resources and Environmental
Conservation; Photos and text by: John Seiler,
Edward Jensen, Alex Niemiera, and John
Peterson; Silvics reprinted from Ag Handbook 654;
range map source information