Indiana State Tree
Tulip Tree
Alternate, simple, palmately veined, orbicular, 4-lobed with an entire margin, 4 to 8 inches long. Somewhat shaped like a tulip.
Showy, but high in the tree, 2 1/2 inches long, with yellow-green petals
and an orange corolla. Present April to June.
An oblong aggregate of samaras, deciduous at maturity. Each samara is
1-winged, 1 1/2 inches long, and 4-angled. Maturing August to October.
Red-brown in color, often with a shiny appearance or a waxy bloom. Stipules are large and encircle the twig. Buds are elongated and valvate, resembling a “duck bill”. Twigs have a sweet, spicy odor when broken.
Light gray-green in color, often with white in grooves or in patches.
Smooth when young, developing flat-topped ridges and furrows in diamond-shaped
patterns. On older trees sapsucker holes are common.
In a stand, this tree is very straight with a limb-free bowl. Open-grown
trees have a pyramidal crown when young, becoming oval in shape.
Conservation; Photos and text by: John Seiler,
Edward Jensen, Alex Niemiera, and John Peterson;
Silvics reprinted from Ag Handbook 654;
range map source information