Nebraska State Tree
Eastern Cottonwood
Nebraska’s state tree is the Eastern Cottonwood(Populus deltoides). It was officially designated in 1972 by the legislature as the state tree, replacing the American elm from 1937. The cottonwood was chosen because many elm trees were killed by disease, and the tree is very much rooted in Nebraska’s pioneer history.
The most recognizable part of the cottonwood is the clumps of cotton-type seed fluff that bloom in the springtime before they begin to drift in the air and stick on things like window screens to cars and driveways. This can be somewhat annoying to get off a Nebraskan’s porch screens but the cottonwood has played a big role in Nebraska’s history.
Native Americans utilized all parts of the tree to make various things from dugout canoes to medicinal herbal tea. Cottonwood trees were sacred objects for several Native American Plains tribes. The cottonwood tree is linked with pioneer Nebraska because shoots were gathered and planted on homestead claims, and several famous early landmarks and meeting points were cottonwood trees.
The cottonwood is a massive tree, reaching heights of 100 feet or more and can provide wonderful shade for an area of 75 feet or more. The diameter of the trunk averages about 6 feet at maturity.
Cottonwood is easily planted and one of the fastest to grow. Although they only live to about 70 years old.
The cottonwood tree supplies most of the lumber in Nebraska presently. The tree has softwood that is used in making plywood, matches, ice cream sticks, and paper pulp.
Dioecious, male and female as pendulous catkins, appearing before the
Cottony seeds, 1/4 inch long borne in a dehiscent capsule. Maturing
over summer.
Stout, somewhat angled and yellowish. Buds are 3/4 inch long, covered
with several brown, tarry scales. Has a bitter aspirin taste.
Smooth, gray to yellow-green when young. Later turning gray with thick ridges and deep furrows.
A large tree with a clear bole (trunk) and an open spreading crown resulting in a somewhat vase-shaped form.
Conservation; Text by: John Seiler, Edward Jensen,
Alex Niemiera, and John Peterson; Silvics reprinted from Ag
Handbook 654; range map source information